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Ali Ellis is a singer, who started on X Factor and came 2nd overall and now has her own song. Ali has a passion for singing, since she was 6 years old she's been singing non stop.

Before Ali had brought out this song she had been studying A- levels to enable her to go to the university of her dreams, studying music. This gave her the confidence and contacts to bring out her own song!!!, then afterwards her family and friends persuaded her to go on X factor.

Ali' has lots of hobbies, she loves to do sport in her spare time, she loves to run and going to the gym and during her time at university she got the chance to gain a bigger passion for sport. 

Ali really loves fashion, since she's been a kid, like her singing she's loved this and has wanted to be seen as quirky and unique to others having her own style.

Ali loves listening to other people's music as it makes her feel happy, also giving her inspiration and reading books on mental health broadening her knowledge and understanding that she can then share with others.

Since she was a child all Ali has wanted is to have her own song with a website that goes with it supporting mental health.


She has always been passionate about mental health and her sister was diagnosed with bi-polar at a very young age and Ali never understood why she felt how she did and why she had drastic mood changes that were unforgetting. This inspired her to use her talents to gain awareness for young people struggling with mental health.

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